Sunday, 21 September 2014

LICAF Improvisations

I will be in Kendal at the Lakes International Comics Art Festival, on October 18th 2014, running/directing a photo-shoot for an improvised Graphic Novel. I will write the script and create the illustrations afterwards.

I will be ably assisted by people who know what they are doing - Chris Taylor and the Kendal Community Theatre group, local photographer Paul Want, and the organisers of the festival.

This may take some time! I'll be blogging the whole process as I go. This is where you can watch the story take shape, as well as getting samples of my other comics work.

In the run up to LICAF, I'll be blogging twice weekly.

  • A short comic strip every Tuesday
  • A story, or ingredient that may end up in the finished work, every Friday.
  • and probably a whole lot more as and when I can...

If you are going to the festival, do drop by and join us. And if you're not, say hello in the comments or on twitter, and join in the conversation.

Words and pictures can combine in unusual and interesting ways - that's the whole magic of comics. What has this dog and his chaperone got to do with my announcement above? Goodness only knows!

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